The Ratchet Grief Project™ with Dr. Jamie Podcast Artwork Image

The Ratchet Grief Project™ with Dr. Jamie

Dr. Jamie Eaddy

Race and Class (and many other factors) influence our perception of what is “acceptable” around grief…how we experience it, what losses matter, how we manage it, who deserves our grief, who gets supported, and the look of mourning and celebration.  We expect respectability, but for WHY THO?”

The Ratchet Grief Project™ invites us to conversations about grief for death-related and non-death-related losses while lifting the voices, experiences, and concerns of people and communities often marginalized and ignored.  

Join Dr. Jamie, Thanatologist, Death and Grief Guide  & Professor in:

Cultivating awareness about grief.

Creating space for real people, real stories.

Considering the impact of race and class on our grief expressions and experiences.

Constructing empathetic and equitable approaches to grief support, especially for the disenfranchised and marginalized.

Co-creating rituals.
Choosing joy and more.

Although you might find the conversations therapeutic, this is not designed to replace therapy. 
